Friday 28 September 2012

What to expect from a photo shoot?

Jeff Yong understood that, a good photo can mean the difference between his guitar sold or ignored - that's the reality.  I've done many of his guitar photo shoot, but never in our studio.  We usually did it whenever we find the time and location.  At the end of the day, he walked away a happy man.
Squeezing time from his busy schedule, so I can shoot the guitars was my challenge.  And the effort was worth it.  This time around I managed to convince Jeff to leave the "self-portrait" timer function alone and let the pro do the job.  
Asked a significant to take the photos could be disastrous when the picture came out bad.  The specular surface of everyone of his guitar is as good as a mirror.  Imaging this, taking a picture of a mirror and not make it your self-portrait.  That's hard.  That's challenging.  And this time around I had a Edwin Ng be the trigger man while me, Scott and Jeff did all the run around.
Jeff did make other deadly mistake by asking a favor of a friend.  Usually, photographer friends will agree to do it to gain some experience, and not taking the whole thing seriously.  Jeff was left with 3,000 images to sift through, and lucky to find one usable.
So what are the few mistake one could face when a photo shoot appointment is ahead of you.

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With more than 2 decades of guitar playing experience, Luis Medrano is the right person to show you guitar playing technique style: Pop, Rock, Alternative, Jazz, Latin. You name it.

This wonderful instrument has been part of his life since he was 8 years old.

An extension of his spirit, playing guitar is such a fun and rewarding experience, yet most people fail to understand, and master the skill set with conventional systems.  Luis took this challenge: to build a guitar system that would be intuitive and simple to use, so that more people could finally reach their dream of playing guitar.

A revolutionary idea that surpassed may people's expectations.

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Buy a guitar for yourself

Guitar - by far, one of the most common instrument to learn has many tutorials in the internet community. But do you know how to choose the "right" guitar for yourself?

We use 10 fingers to play the guitar, and I've seen some using less and played like Jimmy Hendrix - a legend in the guitar World. Some use a guitar pick and play like Carlos Santana and BB King, full of soul in their music and basically - the guitar "speaks"!

Before we are able to do that - do u know what are the tips on how to buy a guitar?